Earlier this year the Institute of Export & International Trade hosted a landmark session at the WTO Public Forum on 'How formal qualifications help us reap the benefits of international trade'.
You can now watch videos of the each of the panellist's contributions to what was an engaging and vital discussion.
The Panellist Presentations
- Rose Blatch, CEO, International Trade Institute of Southern Africa (ITRISA) - watch now
- Lesley Batchelor, Director General, Institute of Export and International Trade - watch now
- Hans-Michael Wolffgang, Head, Department of Customs and Excise, Institute of Tax Law, University of Münster, Germany - watch now
- Jan Hoffmann, Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - watch now
Reflecting on a fascinating few days in Geneva
The session was hosted by Arne Mielken, Young President, Institute of Export and International Trade, and took place in Geneva at the WTO's Public Forum. The Public Forum was host to several key figures in international politics and politics, featuring several panels and plenary sessions tackling protectionism and how to go about making globalisation fairer for everyone.
Lesley and Arne held several important meetings, including a fascinating meeting with Karl Brauner, the Deputy Director General of the WTO.
Lesley told us:
“It was a great honour to run a session at the Public Forum and to meet such important and fascinating people at the WTO. We’re already looking forward to next year! This needs to be the start, not the end, of our engagement with the wider world, as we look to do our bit in making ‘Global Britain’ happen”.